Back on the boat, so it's back to this blog. I signed off the ship in October, and spent a day in Galle, Sri
Lanka with the 3rd mate (AmUrican) and Electrician (Norwegian). 'Twas a proper signoff! Here is a recap.
Well.....first off, before stepping foot on this locale, these were the only 2 things that would ever come to mind when I heard someone mention Sri Lanka: 1) M.I.A. and 2) Dhalsim from Street Fighter II.

At least I am a big M.I.A. fan.
But Dhalsim from Street Fighter II (also Turbo), used to piss me off. He is actually Indian, but nevermind that. I always thought he was Lankan, so that's all that matters. His pupil-less eyes, ridiculous floating yoga poses, and stretch armstrong like appendages weren't fair. He could kick you square in the teeth from the other side of the fugging map with his huge dirty ass calloused foot. The only way to beat him was either to get close enough to shock his ass with Blanka, or smack him up and down his elongated figure 152 times with E Honda.
Anyways....the boat picked us up 12 nautical miles offshore at around noon if I recall correctly, which I don't.
2hr boat ride back to the harbor? No problem, that's why boatbeers exist.
IALA region A, green lateral marks to starboard when entering from seaward.
Tiger should sponsor me.
Some decrepit hulls rotting away in Galle Harbor. Smelled like old feet (Dhalsim's) at the dock.
Quick stop at the Sri Lankan Naval HQ for some odd reason. This was posted there, high up on the side of the building. I totally forgot the tsunami even hit here. Most of coastal Sri Lanka was destroyed. Gnarly videos on youtube of it.
5.1 x 3.28 = 16.7 feet!
Lanka is pretty sweet. Very tropical and jungly...with just the right amount of dirty. I am definitely going to stay a few days next time I sign on/off the ship here. Here are some pescadores ready to launch their outrigger canoe. The drive to our hotel ran along the coast, and there were a few fun looking reefs that would be a blast to surf!
So after grabbin' some much needed booze/internet/food, along with a spelunkering session at the hotel beach for some coral, we got our rickshaw taxi to take us down to a restaurant/bar on the beach 10 minutes away called the Happy Banana. Steady rum flow! This beach was called Unawatuna, it was a sick little cove with a clean beach, blue water with schools of jack crevalle chasing baitfish, and was lined with bars filled with white people (A lot of Russians) numbing theirselves with liquor. Think of it as a dirtier, cheaper version of Jost Van Dyke.
The sunset was insane as I watched it while floatin belly up in the Indian Ocean, drink in hand, just about to start my vacation, all HOT out, bright orange, setting behind huge cumulonimbus clouds and over the mountains behind them...mmmmm.
All that sitting in my chair and lifting my glass worked up an appetite, as I started to get a rumblin in my tummy. I wasn't too sure what to order, until a local fishermans drove his boat onto the beach hot as fuck, packed with all sorts of local fishes and crabs. SOLD! chaaaaa-ching!
Best believe I got one dem big ol' parrotfish (top left), 2 of those little red snapper/grunt, and a couple of them crabs. My man lit up his fire pit, and tossed those babies right on there.
Joe (3rd mate from Maaaaashfield, Mass), ordering some type of feminine drink that was served with these gnarly flowers coming out of the glass, while our seafood feast simmered on the fire. When in Rom...I mean Galle, right? That waiter was the mans all day/afternoon/night, and was tipped properly.
After feasting, sometime in the wee hours, it was time to catch our ride to the airport in Columbo. There was no possible way I was getting on my plane without driving the rickshaw back to the hotel. Luckily our taxi driver obliged! Pretty much like driving a dirtbike. Which I have done approximately one time ever. So I think this rickshaw needed a new clutch after I was done with it. He let me take a few corners until one of us had the sense to put a stop to the nonsense. Thanks, Finn! Pictured is Finn, not looking too happy about his bitch seat in the tuk-tuk!
stay tuned for weekly nautical happenings!
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